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An Integrative Approach to Cancer

Dr. Carol Haddad • Jun 02, 2022

Integrative Cancer Care is gaining increasing popularity in the treatment of cancer. It is defined by the Society for Integrative Oncology in the following way:

“Integrative oncology is a patient-centered, evidence-informed field of cancer care that utilizes mind and body practices, natural products, and/or lifestyle modifications from different traditions alongside conventional cancer treatments. Integrative oncology aims to optimize health, quality of life, and clinical outcomes across the cancer care continuum and to empower people to prevent cancer and become active participants before, during, and beyond cancer treatment.”

Ideally, we would like to believe that committing to one discipline would offer the best clinical outcome, however, there is increasing evidence for the benefit of adding integrative therapies to conventional care for cancer and vice versa. Although there are few cases and anecdotal reports of complete resolution using non-conventional treatment alone, there is a lack of population data which therefore limits the use of non-conventional treatment alone as a primary therapy for cancer cure.

Combining conventional and non-conventional cancer treatments

The best results still appear to be seen when conventional and non-conventional treatment is combined. Conventional therapies such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy are the quickest, most efficient, and most effective way of treating cancer and of removing the emergency that can occur when cancer is left untreated which could create situations such as obstruction or uncontrolled bleeding depending on the location.

Non-conventional treatments such as natural therapies, mind-body practices and diet and lifestyle changes are excellent adjuncts to reduce the symptoms of cancer and the side effects and risks of cancer treatments. Some treatments will have anti-cancer activity themselves or will act synergistically with chemotherapy to enhance the beneficial effects of tumor cell kill. They are also used to minimize the risk of cancer recurrence or progression once it has been safely and effectively treated with complete conventional care.

Getting to the root cause of cancer

Cancer usually does not arise in isolation and is often due to a multitude of factors including a sick system. It is important to identify the root causes of this sick system and to use an integrative approach to heal this system. Not only is this beneficial for the body in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence but it restores the power back into the hands of the individual as they become active contributors to their healing, recovery, and wellness. For example, if detoxification and methylation appear to be disrupted in the body, which can be tested for using genetic and blood testing, then it can be strengthened using a variety of supplements, IV therapies and the implementation of personal health habits.

Supporting your health through alternative treatments

In addition to improving the body terrain in order to prevent cancer, there are a number of studies showing the improvement in quality of life, symptoms of cancer and side effects of treatment achieved by adding in complementary treatments such as acupuncture, oncology massage, sound healing, hydrotherapy, RIFE and other energy healing mechanisms, meditation, forest bathing, exercise and optimising sleep and diet. The addition of supplements and natural therapies such as intravenous nutritional supports, herbal medicines and Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve the body terrain and make it inhospitable to cancer cells is also becoming increasingly evidence based.

If you are not on an active personal journey with cancer but have risk factors, such as a family history, known genetic mutations or a previous history of cancer or other risk factors such as being an ex-smoker, there are a number of tests that can be conducted that will inform modifications that can be made to diet and lifestyle as well as support that can be added such as supplements, IV and body therapies and mind-body practices that can help alleviate the risk of cancer developing.

It remains essential that a qualified practitioner is coordinating integrative care, that there is effective communication between the care teams and that qualified personnel are delivering the body therapies chosen to complement the conventional treatment plan. If you or your loved one are going through or have gone through a cancer journey, get in touch with us, we are here to help you get well and remain well through our remote online service, in-person treatments or both.

Interested in learning more about how working with an integrative cancer practitioner can help you on your healing journey? Schedule a 15-minute free meet and greet phone consult so you can understand our approach and how we would uniquely treat you. Call 970-247-2043 to schedule or email us at



Witt CM, Balneaves LG et al. A comprehensive definition for integrative oncology. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs. 2017 Nov 1;2017(52).

Society for Integrative Oncology


06 Mar, 2023
Going into my first acupuncture session, I was excited but a bit skeptical. The idea of sticking needles in my body for relaxation and pain relief seemed slightly counterintuitive. However, my experience was quite the opposite. The acupuncture session was incredibly relaxing and gave a fascinating insight into the interconnectedness of the body. After having the opportunity to try acupuncture for the first time, I wanted to share my experience for those looking to expand their healing journey.
17 Feb, 2023
I was given the opportunity to try sound healing for the first time and I wanted to share my experience. Opening ourselves to new methods of healing can be challenging, especially when we chose to prioritize our emotional and physical wellbeing. Sound healing is an incredibly powerful meditative experience that can help support you in your personal healing efforts. Sound frequencies heal at a cellular level giving your entire body a vibrational cleanse. It is an intricate balance of gentleness and safety tied with confronting blockages and emotional release. What is sound healing? Sound healing is the practice of using different tones and vibrations to improve your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Throughout the practice sound healers use instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, hand drums, flutes, crystal bowls, and tuning forks that create different frequencies. These frequencies are designed to target specific emotional blockages or energetic centers in the body. Sound healing is also a form of meditation that allows us to calm the distracted mind. The frequencies used in this healing practice move our mind from an active state to a deeper and subconscious awareness. It is within this state where we can activate our body’s ability to heal. Some benefits you may experience from sound healing are: reduced stress lower blood pressure lower cholesterol levels better pain managment improved sleep release of emotional blockages harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit Here are some highlights of the experience: Sensations: A gentle energetic buzzing throughout the body, lightening of physical tension, feelings of warmth and safety, release of emotional blockages, deep relaxation. Takeaway: The experience brought an awareness to emotional blockages that were trapped deep within the body that could no longer be buried by the distractions of the external world. Lesson: Healing is a process of confronting your mental and physical wellbeing in a safe environment. This space allows us to find comfort in the acceptance of discomfort. What to expect during sound healing: The session begins with setting an intention for healing and bringing awareness to the areas of discomfort within our mental state and physical body. The space is incredibly welcoming and feels energetically safe. After setting an intention, there is a gentle guidance to drop into the body and the focus on deepening the breath. It is very similar to a guided mediation and allows for grounding into the physical space. The sound experience varies depending on the intention for healing. During my session many different instruments were used including Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, hand drums, and a flute. The bowls are placed on various energy centers throughout the body which allows the vibration to pierce into the cells of the body. Throughout the 2-hour session, a variety of emotions came up as well as physical tension in the body. It felt as if the tension was rising to the surface to be cleared away. The session ended by bringing awareness back into the body and grounding back into the breath and physical space. My takeaway: The most surprising part of the sound healing was being directly confronted with my blocked emotions. It gave me insight into areas of my life that needed to be addresses and where to focus my healing efforts. The physical sensations that surfaced as a result of these emotions created an intense call to action. It brought to the surface discomfort in a uniquely beautiful and safe way. The sound healing gave me an opportunity to fully look into myself and fully confront the fears that hold me back. It forces you to sit with your rawest self and recognize where that energy is being stored in the body. After the experience, I felt incredibly light, as if the tension had melted away. I now have a much greater awareness and relationship with my own personal healing efforts.
By Dr. Stacy Mulkey 25 Oct, 2022
Ozone therapy has been around for over 100 years, but the practice and benefits of ozone therapy are not what one would consider “mainstream”. We are dedicated to providing you with the best knowledge and options to enliven your health journey, so we have built this guide to help you decide if ozone therapy is right for you. What is Ozone Therapy? There are many scientific descriptions of ozone therapy that can be confusing, especially if this is your first time reading about this beneficial therapy. To simplify it, Ozone Therapy uses medical-grade oxygen (O2) and adds another oxygen molecule to create O3, which is also known as ozone. These treatments have been shown to help reduce the effects of aging, inflammation, tissue damage and fatigue. What are the Benefits? Ozone therapy has been researched and understood to support the following conditions: Reduce inflammation in your tissues and joints Support detoxification from unwanted substances and minerals in your body Increase oxygen flow to your tissues and vital organs Improves your body’s ability to boost its own energy levels by enhancing mitochondrial function Helps heal your body from internal and external wounds after surgery What Conditions Does Ozone Therapy Help With? In addition to its many health benefits, Ozone Therapy can help your body recover and/or manage certain illnesses and diseases. Some of the illnesses and diseases include but are not limited to: Acute and Chronic Viral and/or Bacterial Infections (Epstein Barr, Lyme, COVID-19) Autoimmune and/or Inflammatory Conditions Heavy Metal and/or Mold Toxicity Are There Different Types of Ozone Treatments? Namaste Health Center offers three types of ozone therapy right here in our clinic. Blood Ozone Therapy is beneficial for respiratory issues, circulatory conditions, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune and chronic disease, heavy metal, mold toxicity from mold exposure, and post-surgical healing. This is also known as a Major Auto-Heme treatment since your own blood is removed through an IV catheter and mixed with ozone and then infused back into your body to add extra oxygen into your bloodstream where it is readily available to support immune system and reboot mitochondria. This treatment is given intravenously through an IV to help the ozone enter the bloodstream. Rectal Ozone Therapy helps with diseases that originate within the liver, gut, or colon. However, the ozone does enter the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body, so it also results in a systemic immune response, and not just local Nasal Ozone Therapy is used to help with sinus infections, allergies, etc. What is the in-clinic treatment process? It takes about an hour and a half for the Blood Ozone Therapy via IV, and about 15 minutes for Rectal and Nasal Ozone Therapy via the nasal cannula or rectum. How Often Should I Use Ozone? The frequency of Ozone Therapy depends on the condition being treated as well as the severity of the condition. Your naturopathic doctor will work with you to determine your best course of treatment. How Do I Schedule Ozone Therapy At Your Clinic? If you think this is the right treatment for you, please contact us today by giving us a call. We look forward to connecting with you!
By Dr. Stacy Mulkey 04 Aug, 2022
One of our first priorities is to guide you in achieving optimal health and wellness through diet and lifestyle changes. However, there is an advantage to adding supplemental nutrients to your body if you’re feeling run down or need a boost. What is IV Therapy? Intravenous (IV) Therapy is specially formulated to provide you with a potent dose of energizing, immune-boosting nutrients. Your body can fully absorb these nutrients because it is bypassing your gut and going straight into your bloodstream. When a medication or vitamin is administered intravenously, its bioavailability is 100% absorbed into your body. What are the Benefits? There is no secret that IV Therapy has a multitude of benefits that can be tailored to your body’s individual needs. Some benefits you may experience from IV Therapy are: Improved and balanced immune system Increased energy levels Reduced stress Improved detoxification (in general and after surgery) Accelerated recovery after an illness or injury Is IV Therapy Right for Me? Anyone with an acute illness like a cold or flu or allergies can benefit from immune boosting nutrients like vitamin C, b vitamins, zinc, and other minerals. This includes people who have recently had surgery or have been hospitalized for an illness or injury since vitamin C also helps build collagen to aid in tissue repair. Or chronic conditions, including Parkinson’s, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue/Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, and cancer (to name just a few). Or any type of digestive disorder such as food sensitivities, autoimmune disease or SIBO, that leads to “leaky gut “or lack of nutrient absorption can benefit from IV therapy. Clearly there are many reasons why someone might not feel well enough to eat or drink normally—and sometimes only intravenous nutrition will do the trick! If you're feeling depressed, stressed out or anxious because of work demands—or if you're just plain exhausted—you may want to consider an infusion treatment! Let Us Help You! Each IV Vitamin Infusion is specifically formulated to provide targeted benefits and address individual needs. Our patients can choose the infusion that best meets their current needs and then fine-tuned by our Integrative Medicine experts. Our specially formulated IV Micronutrient Infusions are made the day you come in…nothing is pre-mixed, so you receive the freshest and most powerful antioxidants, essential vitamins, nourishing minerals and restorative amino acids like glutathione and NAC to help your body recover, revive, and thrive! How long does one IV Therapy Session Take? An intravenous micronutrient therapy takes about an hour to infuse, however for a super quick boost for the immune system, a Wellness injection is the perfect solution! These are a big hit during the fall/winter months and use a combination of B12 and specific immune boosting homeopathic formulas that can be given as a quick intramuscular (IM) shot in the arm in less than 5 minutes! It’s exciting to think about what IV therapy can do for you! Although IV therapy is not a cure-all, or replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle, it can be extremely beneficial, and you owe it to yourself to try. If you'd like to learn more about IV therapy, please contact us today or visit our website for more information!
By Molly Gibson 02 Jun, 2022
There is no doubt that the concept of Qi (also known as Chi) has quite the otherworldly quality about it. As with the art of Chinese Medicine, which seems intangible and ethereal in its descriptions of energy and meridians. This lies in stark contrast to our Western medical paradigm that reveres double blind peer reviewed studies which the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) model can not necessarily adhere. Chinese Medicine is quite unique in the sense that it interconnects nature, health, life, and the Universe. Qi is a Chinese word used in TCM, which can be loosely explained as the vital life force energy that runs through all living beings – basically everything minus blood and bone in your body. The History of Qi Life Force Energy The historical basis of why we started to call Qi “energy” here in the West began in the early 20th century with a French Tax clerk named Soulie de Morant. He was enamored by Chinese culture and took it upon himself to translate one of the oldest and most important texts in the early development of Chinese medicine, The Huang Di Nei Jing. Arguably, he did a remarkable job in much of the translating for a man with no medical background. However, his translation of Qi has set the course of Western thinking on a very important Chinese medicine concept in a very misled direction. He did admit just before his death that he translated Qi as “energy” for lack of a better word. Ancient Chinese characters are quite different than the simplified version used today. There is a lot of room for error in translating to modern Chinese verbiage, and even more room for error trying to translate to another language. And then sometimes from a translation into another language again. In this context, you may consider thinking about some of the words or phrases you have heard in terms of Chinese medicine that may sound antiquated. This is true, many concepts in Chinese medicine are describing body processes in terms of how these could be understood 2500 years ago, thousands of years before even microscopes. Qi is sometimes translated as “vital force” and that it is, a vital force. However, this too, would not be quite the correct translation. According to Chinese scholars, the closest translations in English are “vapor,” “vapor forming cloud,” “air,” and “breath.” Qi, then, is oxygen. We of course modernly understand its importance as essential to life. Through their meticulous examinations of the human body more than 2000 years ago, it’s remarkable to know the Chinese discovered that, vapor, air, oxygen are essential to all body processes. There is a common proverb in Chinese medicine: “The blood is the mother of Qi and Qi is the commander of blood.” The Qi and blood cannot be separated. It was clearly understood that oxygen was absolutely a part of blood, and essential to life. This is not all to say that everything in Chinese medicine can be explained by modern science. There is a great deal that remains shrouded in mystery and in as many ways as I love the science behind this medicine, I equally love the enormous chasm of unknown and unexplainable. This medicine is meant to be practiced with the intention of healing the mind, body, and soul of the patient; recognizing that all parts affect the balance of the other parts. Perhaps what differentiates this medicine as “woo-woo,” in the eye of science is that in its absolute core, our homeostasis not only lies in the basic physiological model of breath, heartbeat, body temperature, but also in our hearts and our minds. To explore the many benefits of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, please contact us today to book an appointment by calling 970-247-2043.
By Firoze Mehta 02 Jun, 2022
We are faced with an unprecedented epidemic of chronic disease in the Western world, and it’s for good reason. Knowing this reason is the key to unlocking your well-being, no matter what your health goals may be. In this article we’re going to unpack the root of all chronic health issues and leave you with the top 5 ways you can help strengthen your gut so that you’re ready to benefit from all other dietary and lifestyle interventions that Namaste or any other natural health practitioner may recommend in your healing journey. The gut and microbiome As you’ve certainly heard by now, talk about the gut and our microbiome are all the rage in the health world. That’s because conventional medicine is finally starting to realize that poor gut health is at the center of nearly every major chronic illness we face. Even Hippocrates himself once stated that “all disease begins in the gut”. The reason for this is quite simple. If you think about it, your gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus is actually outside of your body. It is your body’s primary exposure to the outer world of pathogenic antigens your immune system deals with on a constant basis. It’s no wonder then why 70% of your immunity resides in the gut lining, a statement that refers to the GALT, or gut associated lymphoid tissue. This delicate gut lining is also responsible for the absorption of vital nutrients from food that your body requires to function and thrive. It also happens to be where your microbiome lives, which is your natural colony of trillions of microorganisms that are responsible for so much of your health, from immunity, to digestion, to energy, to mental well-being. Why are our guts so damaged? So, what then is the reason why so many people’s guts are in a poor state of health? To keep a long story short, here are just a few of those reasons: Our overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial products such as hand-sanitizers have sterilized and upset the delicate balance of friendly microorganisms to opportunistic ones, which means they can no longer function to keep our immunity robust, our digestion strong, our energy high, and our mental well-being balanced. To make matters worse, we ingest foods that damage the lining of the gut, which means larger food particles make their way past the intestinal tract where they belong, and into the bloodstream where the immune system attacks the foreign substance creating an incredibly damaging inflammation cascade, which ultimately leads to allergies and auto-immunity. In such a state of disarray, even if you try to eat healthy, you won’t be able to properly absorb the nutrients, and you could be making matters worse by inadvertently ingesting foods with pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, or anti-nutrients such as lectins. True health starts in the gut With so many people’s guts in disarray, it’s no wonder why we struggle to improve our health while eating expensive healthy foods. People assume that a switch in diet is all they need to improve their health, but it’s not so simple. You must first start by healing the #1 foundational pillar of your body’s overall health before you can expect to benefit from all the other dietary and lifestyle changes you make. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms/conditions, you likely have an issue with your digestion that needs to be addressed: chronic gut inflammation, leaky gut, food sensitivities/allergies, auto-immune diseases, thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pains, unusually smelly flatulence, skin conditions, mood issues, irregular bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea according to the bristol stool chart , chronic bloating, sharp stomach pains, and/or acid reflux. Top 5 ways to improve gut health naturally So then let’s talk about the top 5 things you can start doing today to heal your gut and set your body up for future success. And while your gut epithelium repairs itself every 5-7 days, remember that true health is a life-long journey, not a destination. So here we go: 1. Acid boosters, digestive enzymes, and probiotics/prebiotics While you’re in the process of healing your gut, certain key supplements can play a pivotal role in helping you to break down and absorb food the way you were meant to. Here are a few supplements you can add to your gut healing regime: Acid boosters - Hypochlorhydria is a common condition with people with compromised digestive systems and is increasingly more common the older you get. To boost acid levels, one of the following supplements can be helpful when taken correctly in the short-term: betaine HCL supplements, digestive bitters, or apple cider vinegar. There are specific ways to take each, so please work with your Naturopathic doctor or health coach to ensure you are doing this correctly. Digestive enzymes - Your digestive tract naturally produces enzymes to help break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. However, this too is commonly inadequate in those with compromised digestive systems. Supplemental digestive enzymes can be helpful to aid in digestion and absorption, and there is little evidence to suggest any negative effects to taking them longer term if needed. There are also specialty enzymes that can help digest common inflammatory foods like dairy and gluten if you particularly struggle with those, but we generally suggest avoiding those foods during the gut healing phase anyway. Probiotics/Prebiotics - This is still a growing field of research, and while there is some debate as to whether probiotics populate your gut bacteria in the long run, they are undeniably effective at reducing symptoms while you are taking them. With these supplements, you always want to start slow (lower bacteria count), go with shelf stable (not live refrigerated), and invest in the higher quality brands. It’s also not a bad idea to rotate the ones you're taking if you aren’t working with a practitioner on a more targeted approach. As for prebiotics, taking these are arguably even more important than probiotics. Prebiotics are food that usually contain fiber and are also a group known as “resistant starches” that feeds and fuels your friendly bacteria. Eating leeks, onions, green bananas and cooked and cooled rice or potatoes are some examples of food-based prebiotics. Some probiotic supplements have prebiotics included in them, but it’s a good idea to try a high quality, organic prebiotic fiber powder to mix in water and take every day during your gut healing phase. 2. Bone broth When it comes to healing the gut lining from damage to the tight junctions (leaky gut), nothing is more effective than a high-quality organic bone broth. The very best kind is homemade, but if you don’t have the time for that there are many high-end brands, such as this one , which you can buy ready-made and enjoy regularly. Bone broth also is highly nutrient-dense and extremely easy to digest, so you are also giving your body much needed liquid nourishment. If you happen to be vegan and don’t eat animal products, you can take a more nutraceutical approach and supplement with things like zinc-carnosine, quercetin and NAG. 3. Fermented foods Probiotics and prebiotic supplements are great in the short-term while healing, but you also want to ingest more natural/food-based sources that will be even more effective at rebuilding your gut microbiome sustainably. These foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, milk kefir and kombucha. With all of these it is always better to do homemade, but if buying store bought kefir or kombucha specifically, you want to make sure they are unsweetened or with as low of sugar as you can find (always read the labels). As you know, excess sugar is inflammatory and directly feeds the opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms (such as candida), which you want to keep in check while healing the gut. Try and rotate fermented foods into your daily diet but start slowly to avoid bloating and discomfort. 4. Reduce stress We’ve seen many people brush off the impact of chronic stress when it comes to health because there isn’t an obvious physical connection to the layperson. But to those who understand physiology, it’s obvious why we have mountains of studies and evidence to confirm that long-term stress severely damages our health. And when it comes to our gut, this is no exception. Digestion takes an incredible amount of energy from the body, which is why it gets put on the back burner when your body is in a sympathetic (fight or flight) state of being. And if you live on planet Earth here in the 21st century, you very likely have some degree of chronic stress. Because of this, you must make it a priority to find your own unique way to take time to just chill out and relax every day. This doesn’t mean just watching Netflix or being on your phone. One of the best ways is to just spend an hour each day taking a walk-in nature with the sun on your skin. There are also many natural therapies, such as acupuncture, massage and sound healing, which Namaste offers that can be part of your self-care routine. Whether it’s reading, meditation, yoga, hiking, a calming hobby, it’s important to find what works best for you and schedule it into your days and weeks. No matter who you are or what you do, nothing is more important than your peace of mind. 5. Avoid that which make matters worse We included this as #5 because there are many things that people do that are inadvertently making matters worse when it comes to your gut health. Here are just a few suggestions for things to avoid when possible: Be very cautious when taking prescription or even over the counter medications. Many of these quick and easy remedies create other serious issues when taken long-term, such as PPIs which actually shut down your stomach acid production and directly impair your ability to digest and absorb nutrients in your food. This includes medications like Tums, Nexium, Zantac and Pepto Bismol. This also includes antibiotics, which should be used only when necessary and with the aid of high potency probiotics before, during and after. Avoid commonly inflammatory foods, including known allergies and food intolerances. Depending on the degree of your gut condition and sensitivities, this will involve some level of an elimination diet. The most obvious foods to eliminate or significantly reduce are any and all processed foods, sugar, starchy grains/vegetables, gluten, eggs, soy, corn, dairy, improperly prepared beans/legumes/nuts/seeds, sugary drinks (including fruit juices), caffeine and alcohol. Do not overeat. Stop when you are 80% full so that your digestion is not further overwhelmed by the excess burden of digesting too much food at once. It has been noted that people that live in the Blue Zones (areas where the population has above average number of people that reach the age of 100) practice this regularly. Eat in peace. Many people are eating at their desk, standing up, on the go, alone in their car, or eating while on their phone or watching tv. You should always eat in a relaxed state, preferably with good company. If you’re eating alone, then just eat uninterrupted or distracted. While we’re on the subject, be sure to slow down your eating pace and chew extremely well. Your digestion starts in your mouth and it’s important to allow your saliva to mix with your food and along with your teeth turn the food into chime before swallowing. This will aid your stomach and intestines in their task of digesting and absorbing the nutrients in your food, which is much needed when you’re healing the gut. Stop eating after dinner. It is not good to snack late at night and you want to leave at least 2-3 hours of not eating before sleeping. Hopefully this has given you a good overview of the importance of the gut and why it is essential to start your healing journey here. These top 5 ways to heal your gut naturally are just some of the things you can do during stage 1 of your gut healing (there are a couple more stages). We recommend that anyone serious about healing their gut work 1-on-1 with one of our practitioners at Namaste who can help guide you through the nuanced details of gut healing and the steps that follow. If you’re interested in setting up an initial session to talk more about your health goals, please reach out to us here . We’d love to help you reach your optimal health goals!
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