Registered Nurse & Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner

Favorite food: The bread of life 

Go-to feel-good song or artist: “You are holy” by Joshua Aaron

Bucket list item: Traveling to Israel

Favorite quote: The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”—Thomas A. Edison 

Spirit animal: The bear and the bee 

Memorable serendipitous moment: The first part of this story is me falling 100 feet off a mountain cliff…. The second part of this story is when I found the release and healing of my back 33 years later. I found a modality (ortho-bionomy) that is so gentle, effective, and lasting. All the things that happened in the earlier years prepared me to appreciate how to heal. It’s through illness or trauma that I’ve been taught healing.

Where I feel most at home: In Allison, CO where I live with my wife

Hidden talent: I’m a woodworker, pilot, air-craft mechanic, gardener, most recently a baker, and I’ve spent time as a sous chef 

Morning ritual: I like to start my morning reading Torah 

I laugh the most when: I’m with my wife

Aaron has been a registered nurse for 34 years, specializing in critical-care, level I trauma emergency room, flight nursing and interventional radiology nursing. He has been an Ortho-Bionomy® practitioner for 11 years and has been studying Ortho-Bionomy® for the past 19 years. Aaron also studied natural healing through Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing in Utah and was in private practice in the state of Montana for eight years.

At Namaste, you can find Aaron administering immune boosting IV therapies, helping patients release tension and pain in the body through Ortho-Bionomy (bodywork) and energy work, and soothing the nervous system of anyone in his presence with his calming demeanor. 

In the last three years, Aaron has been practicing energy work modalities and holds the belief that he is not the one doing the healing, instead he’s simply the vessel for such healing and transformation to take place. 

When Aaron isn’t working, you can find him soaking up time with his wife, woodworking, gardening, baking, and spending time outdoors.

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