The use of acupuncture as a healing technique is believed to have originated around 3,000 – 10,000 years ago in ancient China. The earliest records of acupuncture included artifacts of stone “needles” and drawings of acupuncture points and meridians.

There are currently as many as 2,000 acupuncture points identifiable on the human body. These acupoints are organized within the body in pathways called meridians. From an Oriental Medicine perspective, the smooth flow of energy, life force or qi along these meridians is what keeps us vital and healthy. Acupuncture needles are inserted into acupoints in order to unblock stagnant qi in the meridian and to otherwise restore balance and a free flow of qi throughout the body.

Today, acupuncture needles come in different sizes, but are usually no thicker than a human hair, and are solid filliform instead of hollow like a hypodermic needle. This construction, as well as a skilled practitioner’s touch, allows for a profoundly relaxing healing experience.


A typical acupuncture session will begin with a consultation to better understand the client's physical or emotional symptoms and lifestyle. The practitioner may examine the painful areas of the body, the color of the person's tongue, pulse, etc. The client is then asked to lay on a massage table where the needles are gently placed throughout the body. Typically, the needles will stay in place for 15-60 minutes depending on the procedure.

The number of treatments will depend on the condition being treated and its severity. A common treatment plan for a single condition may need one or two treatments a week. It is typical to receive around 6-8 sessions. Again, this will depend on the individual treatment plan which will be discussed with our team of healthcare professionals. 

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